About ...
Jamie Diliberto is a published worship leader, composer, and recording artist from New Orleans. He began serving in music ministry at the age of 10 and is currently a Music Director at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Metairie, Louisiana in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Easter Sunday 2023, marked his 33rd year there! He also serves weekly at several other local parishes and organizations including CCRNO’s weekly charismatic prayer meeting and Mass at St. Benilde and directs the night of Contemporary Eucharistic Adoration with the Tongues of Fire Worship Ministry. Jamie has been invited to speak and play for local and regional conferences.
He has released 4 solo albums and 1 Single of original liturgical and sacred music: The Holy Rosary (2014); Grace Like Rain (2017), The Stations of the Cross – The Genesis of Redemption (2019), and "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy - In Song" (2022). His music can also be found in GIA / World Library Publication’s Voices Hymnal, More Voices as One II and More Voices as One III. He is also published with The Daughter of St. Paul, The Holy Spirit Chaplet CD (2015) & Hope Publishing Company, Co-Author of revised recording "There's A Spirit In The Air" with Brian Wren (2014). You can also find Jamie's music on all of the main music streaming platforms.
Jamie has performed at the National Association of Pastoral Musicians Convention, the Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference, the International Catholic Stewardship Conference, the Catholic Women of Faith Conference (Nashville), New Orleans World Youth Day, the National Catholic Educators Association Convention & Expo, Worship Leader for the Sunday English Mass at St. James Church in Medjugore, the New Orleans Archdiocese Leadership Celebration, the Southern Regional Catholic Charismatic Conference in New Orleans and Lafayette & at concerts, youth events, retreats and liturgies throughout the country. Jamie has provided music for EWTN's Janette Bankovich, Irland's Sr. Briege McKenna and has appeared on the nationally televised show "Live With Passion" with Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P. He has performed with other Catholic artist like, Steve Angrisano, Jesse Manibusan, Irish recording artist Dana Scallan, John Angotti, ValLimar Jansen, Tom Kenzia, Craig Colsen, James Wahl, Meredith Augustin, M. Roger Holland, Ed Bolduc and others.
Other events include:
- St. James the Apostle – Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (English Mass Worship Leader / Cantor)
- Played for outdoor Eucharistic Adoration with over 22,000 people from all over the world – Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Belize, Central America Tour (16 Concerts)
- Worship Conference - Guest Speaker and Performer in Conway, Arkansas - Archdiocese of Little Rock
- Worship Conference - Guest Speaker on Spiritual Warfare, Prayer Ministry and Musician in Tanzania, Africa
- Intercessors of the Lamb National Conference in Omaha, Nebraska
- CCRNO’s “Fresh Fire” Day of Refreshment lead by Patti & Al Mansfield (yearly)
- CCRNO’s Men & Women’s Retreat lead by Patti & Al Mansfield, with national guest speakers (yearly)
- Life In The Spirit Seminar for the Seminarians at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans lead by Patti & Al Mansfield
- St. Mary of the Springs Catholic Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas
- Greater New Orleans Rosary Congress with the Tongues of Fire Worship Ministry
- Revival 2019 with the Tongues of Fire Worship Ministry (Catholic Charismatic Renewal - Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux)
- Worship Leader for the monthly "Night of Adoration" with the Young Adults Ministry of the Archdiocese of New Orleans
- Worship Leader for the monthly "Praise Him! Prayer Group" at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.
The Lord Had Other Plans …
From mid 2001 - 2006, Jamie became the Nashville Songwriter’s Association International (NSAI) coordinator for New Orleans which included teaching monthly songwriter workshops in the Music Department at Loyola University, New Orleans. Through this affiliation, and monthly trips to Nashville to write with Nashville songwriters came an opportunity of a lifetime … or so he thought.
In 2006, Jamie accepted the position as Manager, Agent, Tour Manager, Guitarist and Mandolin player for a Nashville Multi #1 Hit Songwriter which included tours in the United States and United Kingdom. While working on the inside circle of the Nashville country music scene, Jamie thought he was in the right place. But the Lord had other plans. Instead, Jamie was being called to write and record music to glorify God and His church! So the journey began! He has never looked back or regretted leaving the job in Nashville. It has been more fulfilling, more rewarding than a dozen #1 hit songs. The work Jamie is doing now is everlasting and has an eternal effect that gives proper glory and adoration to God.